近年来支气管动脉栓塞术( bronchial artery embolization,BAE) 被认为是治疗大咯血的重要手段,但 咯血相关责任血管的解剖情况复杂,其起源、数目、走行、分布都存在较大的个体差异,这增加了介入科医师的栓 塞治疗的难度。故能找到并很好的显示咯血相关责任血管将对疾病的治疗有着至关重要的意义,这不仅要求医 师对相关血管的解剖知晓、明了,还要掌握显示这些血管的技术方法及其优缺点。本文主要讨论咯血相关责任 血管及形态学改变,可以帮助我们了解相关血管的解剖及主要的显示方式。
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In recent years,the bronchial artery embolization( BAE) is considered to be an important means of treatment of massive hemoptysis,But the anatomy of hemoptysis-related vessels is complicat- ed,There were significant individual differences in the distribution 、the number and the origins.It adds to the difficulty of embolization by interventional physicians.So it is very important to find and show the responsible vessels of hemoptysis.It is not only requiring the doctor to understand the related vascular anatomic knowledge,but also mastering the display technical methods of their advantages and disadvan- tages.This article mainly discusses the hemoptysis related responsible blood vessels and morphological changes,which can help us understand the anatomic of the related blood vessels and main displaying modes.