目的: 1 型糖尿病可导致青少年生长延迟和青春期发育迟缓,月经作为女性糖尿病病人的一种特殊
的生理现象,与体内各种激素水平及血糖控制情况密切相关。本文将分析青少年1 型糖尿病病人的月经情况及
其相关的影响因素。方法: 回顾性分析我院2010-01~ 2016-12 收治的月经来潮青少年糖尿病病人89 例,询问
发病年龄、病程、用药情况、个人史、家族史及月经情况,采集初潮当年的身高、体重、血糖、C 肽、血脂、尿白蛋白
等指标。结果: ( 1) 月经初潮年龄与病程、糖化血红蛋白正相关; ( 2) 初潮年龄与BMI、胰岛素用量、空腹C-肽、甘
油三酯负相关; ( 3) 随着糖化血红蛋白增高,初潮年龄增加,月经周期紊乱发生率增高,月经天数、月经量无差
异; ( 4) 随着胰岛素用量增多,初潮年龄更大,出现月经周期紊乱增多。结论: 青少年1 型糖尿病病人病程较长、
[Key word]
Objective: Type 1 diabetes mellitus can lead to adolescent growth retardation and late
sexual maturation,as a common and special physiological phenomenon in female diabetic patients,menstruation
is not only influenced by various hormones in the body,but also glycemic control.We aim to
investigate the menstruation status of adolescents with type 1 diabetes and the association between menstruation
and its related influencing factors.Methods: We recruited 89 patients diagnosed with type 1
diabetes mellitus between January 2010 and December 2016,who begin menstruation later than diagnosis.
We collected age of onset,disease duration, treatment,personal history, family history and the
features of menstrual conditions,meanwhile we measured weight,height,glucose,C - peptide,serum
lipid and urinary albumin /creatinine ratio.Results: Timing of menarche was positively correlated with
disease duration and HbA1c,but negatively correlated with BMI, insulin dose, fasting C-peptide and
triglyceride.As the increase of HbA1c,menstrual cycle variability was elevated,but there is no significance
in the duration of menstrual period and menstrual quantity.More dosage of insulin can lead to
more menarche age and abnormality of menstrual cycle.Conclusion: Delayed menarche age in type 1
diabetes mellitus was related with long duration,poor iSLEt function and uncontrolled hyperglycemia.
Reasonable, standard and effective treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus contributes to improve the
menstrual conditions.