目的: 了解并介绍有关高压氧治疗缺氧缺血性脑病( Hypoxic-Ischemic encephathy,HIE) 的实验室研
究进展和临床治疗效果。方法: 收集1996~ 2014 年的相关论文103 篇,进一步总结了目前国内外的研究和治疗
方法,对其进行评估。结果: 在我国学者进行了大量实验室研究和临床疗效观察,得出的结论是高压氧可改善白
鼠缺氧缺血脑组织的糖代谢; 降低大鼠外周神经肽Y 1-36 和降钙素基因相关肽特别是降低损伤侧脑区神经肽
1-36 水平。高压氧治疗可改善能改善缺氧缺血性脑病病人的昏迷、反应迟钝、记忆力丧失、计算力及定向力下
降、语言障碍、二便失禁、步态不稳、肌张力高、震颤、偏瘫等表现。结论: HBO 治疗脑中风是否有效还需大量科
[Key word]
Objective: To introduction the progress of the therapeutic effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygenation(
HBO) therapy on cerebral palsy.Methods : Collection 300 articles( 1996~2009) about HBO
treating HIE with computer. To revalue the the result of HBO therapy on rat suffering from HIE.
Results: Effectness is observed in our country: Hyperbaric Oxygenatien can benefit the treatment ef cerebral
palsy.HBO therapy improve behavior function.The decline of MMP-9 expression after HBOT may
contribute to protection of brain tissue in the perilesional area.Hyperharic Oxygenatien can benefit the
treatment ef cercbral palsy in infant.There is a report about rat with HIE treated by HBO in our conutry,
but the effectness is not observed.The effectness of hyperharic oxygen for children with cerebral palsy
is not observed abroad too.Conclusion: Whether it is true remains a question. It still need large
quantity science and careful research.