目的: 探讨甲胎蛋白( AFP) 、α-L-岩藻糖苷酶( AFU) 、糖类抗原199( CA199) 在原发性肝癌早期筛
查中的作用。方法: 选取我院2014-08~ 2016-08 收治的原发性肝癌病人81 例,选取同期来我院的健康体检者
80 例作为对照组。检测两组血清AFP、AFU、CA199 含量,观察两组AFP、AFU、CA199 阳性率,及联合检测的特
异度和灵敏度。结果: 观察组血清AFP、AFU、CA199 含量高于对照组,均有统计学意义( P<0.05) ; 观察组AFP、
AFU、CA199 阳性率均高于对照组,且有统计学意义( P<0.05) ; AFP、AFU、CA199 联合检测特异度和灵敏度均高
于单项AFP、AFU、CA199 及两两组合检测,且均有统计学差异( P<0.05) ; 两两检测特异度和灵敏度均高于单项
检测,且均有统计学差异( P<0.05) 。结论: AFP、AFU、CA199 在原发性肝癌早期筛查具有重要意义,且联合检测
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate the effect of alpha fetoprotein( AFP) ,alpha -L -fucosidase
( AFU) ,carbohydrate antigen199 ( CA199) in early screening of primary hepatocellular carcinoma.
Methods: 81patients with primary liver cancer who were admitted to our hospital from August 2014 ~
August 2016,and were selected as the control group during the period of~2016in the period from August
2014 to August in.Serum AFP,AFU and CA 199 were detected in two groups.The positive rates of
AFP,AFU and CA 199 in the two groups were observed.Results: The serum levels of AFP,AFU and
CA 199 were higher than control group( P<0.05) ; the observation group AFP,AFU,CA 199 positive
rate was higher than the control group( P<0.05) ; AFP,AFU,CA 199 combined detection specificity
and sensitivity was higher than that of the single AFP,AFU,CA 199 and the 22 combined detection( P
<0.05) ; 22the specificity and the sensitivity was higher than that of the single detection( P< 0.05) .
Conclusion: AFP,AFU and CA 199 have important significance in early screening of primary liver
cancer,and the combined detection has high specificity and sensitivity.
收稿日期: 2016-12-08; 修回日期: 2017-02-14
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 81441125)
作者简介: 韩笑( 1985-) ,女,内蒙古医科大学附属医院检验科检验师。
通讯作者: 张喜平,主任医师,E-mail: ZXP@ 163.com 内蒙古医科大学附属医院外科, 010050