目的: 探讨安氏II1 错牙合畸形病人在矫治不同阶段的硬组织变化规侓。方法: 选择2013-07 ~ 2015-
11 就诊于内蒙古医科大学附属医院口腔正畸科的40 例符合标准的病例,不拔牙矫治,采用MBT 直丝弓矫治技术
配合斜面导板,分别在矫治前、矫治中( 上颌排齐阶段) 、矫治后( 摘斜导及矫治结束阶段) 测量出硬组织各测量项
目值,对颌面部硬组织的变化进行投影测量分析。数据采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计学处理,分析矫治前、中、后
测量指标的变化及各指标间的相关性。结果: 安氏II1 病例矫治前、中、后硬组织测量项目的变化: 牙齿主要表现
为上颌前牙的舌倾、覆牙合、覆盖减小,其覆盖减小主要为上切牙舌倾和下颌骨前移共同作用的结果; 前面高、后面
高增加及后面高与前面高比值的减少,下颌体长度的增加。结论: MBT 直丝弓矫治器对颌骨的作用较小,主要对
牙齿进行了有效的转矩和支抗控制,表现为U1-SN 和IMPA 减小; 功能性斜面导板矫治器有效的促进了下颌骨的生
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate the overall appearance and regulation and relevance. of hard
tissue changes of Angle II1malocclusion patients treated at different stages.Methods: To choose 40
cases of patients meet the criteria with non-extraction treatment.Using MBT straight wire appliance with
inclined plane treated them.According to the different stages of treatment, it was divided into three stages:
pre-treatment,midi-treatment( maxillary aligned phase) ,post-treatment( end of treatment phase
and remove the inclined plane) .Measuring the value of each hard tissue measurements to analysis the
changes of Maxillofacial hard issue.Data were statistically analyzed by using SPSS 13.0software in each
stage to analyze changes of hard and soft tissue and the correlation between the index.Results: The overall
appearance changes of the Angle II1patients mainly represent for correcting mandibular retrusion
and achieving coordinated and beautiful side appearance effects after treatment.The measurement changes
of hard tissue of Angle II1malocclusion in each stage included the teeth main changes was teeth
tongue backward in the maxillary anterior over-jet decreases.Its coverage reduced mainly contributed to
upper incisors poured tongue and mandible forward. The high front,high back and the length of the
mandibular body increased.Conclusion: MBT straight wire appliance play a smaller role in the jaw and
mainly effectively control the torque and anchorage of teeth.The performance of Cm-Sn-Ls angle increases,
U1-SN and IMPA reduced.Functional inclined plane appliance effectively promoted mandible
growth,mainly in the mandibular body length, front and black high increased.
收稿日期: 2016-04-22; 修回日期: 2016-08-20
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金( 2013MS11103)
作者简介: 乌兰其其格( 1972-) ,女,蒙古族,内蒙古医科大学附属医院口腔正畸科副主任医师。