目的: 通过对耳鸣病人相关脑区18F-FDG PET/CT 代谢变化的研究,确定主观性耳鸣与神经中枢的
对应关系。方法: 采用SPM( Statistical parameters mapping) 统计软件及感兴趣区( ROI) 技术对34 例耳鸣病人及
40 例健康对照组18F-FDG PET/CT 脑显像进行分析。结果: 34 例耳鸣病人中,目测法共有52 个脑区葡萄糖代谢
增高; SPM 分析主要位于颞上回( BA22) 和颞中回( BA21) ,涉及的脑区还有上前扣带皮层( BA32) ,海马旁皮层
( BA36) ,梭状回( BA37) ,缘上回( BA40) 等共83 个脑区,检出病灶多于目测法。结论: 主观性耳鸣病人相关脑区
的改变不仅局限于听中枢,与边缘系统及额叶联合区、主次级听觉皮层有一定关系; 且与耳鸣侧别无关。
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate the metabolic changes of 18F - FDG PET /CT in related
cerebral regions of tinnitus,and to confirm the correspondence between subjective tinnitus and nerve
center.Methods: 18F-FDG PET /CT cerebral imaging were performed on 34 tinnitus patients and 40
controls,and the results were analyzed with SPM( Statistical parameters mapping) and region of interest
( ROI) .Results: There were 52 increased metabolism brain areas were demonstrated by the visual method.
SPM analysis demonstrated that the most consistently activated regions in tinnitus subjects were superior
temporal gyrus( BA22) and middle temporal gyrus ( BA21) ,For some patients,other specific
foci, such as dorsal anterior cingulate cortex( BA32) ,parahippocampal cortex( BA36) , fusiform gyrus
( BA37) , supramarginal gyrus( BA40) were involved,and it showed more high activity regions than the
visual method.Conclusion: The metabolic changes of related cerebral regions in patients with subjective
tinnitus were not only limited to the auditory center,but also had a certain relationship with the junction
of limbic system and the frontal lobe, the primary and secondary auditory cortex.The high metabolic regions
were independent from tinnitus laterality.
收稿日期: 2016-04-22; 修回日期: 2016-08-17
基金项目: 福建省自然科学基金( 2012J01319)
作者简介: 林美福( 1965-) ,男,主任医师,福建医科大学省立临床医学院核医学科副主任医师。
通讯作者: 陈文新,主任医师,E-mail: wenxinchzt@ aliyun.com 福建医科大学省立临床医学院, 350001