目的: 分析我院8a 来胃癌数据库的临床病理资料,以了解本地区胃癌的发病特点。方法: 将
2007 - 01 ~ 2015 - 01 期间在我院诊治的1548 例胃癌病人作为研究对象,对其临床病理资料进行回顾性分析。
结果: 男性1251 例( 80. 81%) ,女性297 例( 19. 19%) ,平均年龄60. 94 ± 10. 90岁。发病部位以胃窦部最多,占
40. 76%; 不同年龄段胃癌发病部位构成比不同,差别有统计学意义( χ2 = 39. 836,P = 0. 000) ,胃底贲门癌的构成
比随年龄增加逐渐升高。组织类型最多的为低分化腺癌,占46. 58%; 不同年龄组胃癌的组织学类型存在差异,
差别有统计学意义( χ2 = 67. 300,P = 0. 000) 。早期胃癌144 例,占9. 30%,进展期胃癌1404 例,占90. 70%。Bormann
分型以Ⅲ型最多,占53. 92%。TNM 分期Ⅲ期+ Ⅳ期最多,占72. 41%; 不同年龄组TNM 分期构成比不同,
差别有统计学意义( χ2 = 9. 013,P = 0. 029) 。结论: 内蒙古西部地区胃癌以进展期胃癌占大多数,中老年男性高
[Key word]
Objective: To investigate the characteristics of clinical data of patients with gastric
cancer in the west of Inner Mongolia in our hospital over the past eight years. Methods: The clinical
Data of 1548 patients with gastric cancer were collected from January 2007 to January 2015 in our hospital.
The clinical characteristics of the cases were retrospectively analyzed. Results: 1251 cases
( 80. 81%) were male and 297 cases( 19. 19%) were female,and the mean age was 60. 94 ± 10. 90
years old of all the 1548 patients,.The cancer location was mainly on the antrum,accounting for
40. 76%. The constituent ratio of different ages of gastric cancer location was different, the difference
had significance( χ2 = 39. 836,P = 0. 000) . The majority histological type was poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma,
accounting for 46. 58%. The histological classification and the differentiation constituent
ratio in different ages was different, the difference had significance( χ2 = 67. 300,P = 0. 000) . Early
gastric cancer of 144 cases,accounting for 9. 30%,1404 cases of advanced gastric cancer,accounting
for 90. 70%. The majority pathologic type of advanced gastric cancers were Bormann Ⅲ( 53. 92%) . Ⅲ
+Ⅳ stage was a majority in TNM stage,accounting for 72. 41%. Different ages of TNM stage was different,
the difference had significance( χ2 = 9. 013,P = 0. 029) . Conclusion: The majority type of patients
with gastric cancer in west of Inner Mongolia was advanced gastric cancer. Gastric cancer has a
higher incidence in old male. Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and cancer in antrum have a larger
probability. Compared with old patients, there is higher malignant cancer and earlier TNM stage in
young patients with gastric cancer. Mongolian patients and Han patients showed no significant difference.
收稿日期: 2016 - 03 - 03; 修回日期: 2016 - 04 - 10
基金项目: 内蒙古自然科学基金项目( 2012MS1177)
作者简介: 赵雪瑜( 1990 - ) ,男,内蒙古医科大学2014 级在读硕士研究生。
通讯作者: 刘明,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,E - mail:
liumingfy@163. com 内蒙古医科大学附属医院, 010050