法的零散论述进行整理和归纳,得知藏医泻下疗法出现于公元前6 世纪左右,完善和发展于8 世纪,兴盛于11 ~
19 世纪,研究和应用于20 ~ 21 世纪。本文以肝病的泻热疗法为例,阐述藏医泻下疗法的历史发展脉络,以填补
[Key word]
Presently,Domestic Academic Circles have not yet seen studies of Tibetan Purgation
Therapy. This system of therapy is of tremendous benefit with historic origin. In researching and
studying the historical origins of the Tibetan Medical Purgation Therapies, the author has discovered in
the ancient literature the beginnings of this therapy as far back as the 6th Century BC. These therapeutic
methods were perfected and developed further in the 8th Century,and thriving in the 11th ~ 19th
Centuries. Further research shows development and application of purgation therapy as well in the 20th
and 21st Centuries. Information pertaining to the application of various external therapies in treatment of
Liver heat diseases, for example, in ancient times,adds as well to the discoveries of ancient therapies
within Tibetan Medical External Therapies in the treatment of many diseases. This research and findings
help to fill in some of the blanks that exist concerning current research in the available field of Tibetan
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