目的: 从四味光明盐汤散中提取鞣质并测定其含量。方法: 运用超声技术提取鞣质,用紫外分光光
度法测定鞣质的含量。结果: 测得四味光明盐汤散中鞣质含量为1. 97%,相对标准偏差为1. 6%。结论: 运用超
[Key word]
Objective: To extract tannin from Four flavor salt scattered light soup and determine
content. Methods: To extract tannin use ultrasonic technology while use ultraviolet spectrophotometry to
determine the content of tannin. Results: Four flavor salt scattered light soup contains 1. 97% of
tannin, the relative standard deviation is 1. 6%. Conclusion: Using ultrasonic technology to extract tannin
is effective and efficiency.
收稿日期: 2014-04-13; 修回日期: 2014-06-12
基金项目: 内蒙古自然科学基金( 2010MS1206)
作者简介: 张艳萍( 1970-) ,女,内蒙古医科大学附属人民医院药剂师。
通讯作者: 高建萍,教授,研究生导师,E-mail: haimade@ aliyun. com 内蒙古医科大学药学院天然药物化学教研室,